
This Product is 100% Environmentally friendly.
Contains no chemicals & will not harm our waterways.

This 100% Natural Liquid eliminates all major water changes, making the water crystal clear and free of unwanted harmful chemicals, bacteria and contaminants. This creates a well balanced fish habitat that makes keeping and breeding fish a whole lot easier. This product does it's job so well that you will no longer have a need for additional water conditioners.
Aquarium Life Liquid is suitable for tank or tap water and will remove chlorine from the water and should be used each month for best results.

Try Aquarium-Life Liquid on your:
• Tropical, cichlid, discus.
• Goldfish, koi, ponds.
• Australian native fish and turtles.
• Marine fish, corals and invertebrates.



Q. Why is it likely for any person to effortlessly maintain fish with using only Aquarium-Life Liquid?
A. Aquarium-Life Liquid contains neutralizers, buffers, and coating agents it saves fish from harm from various impurities; therefore there is no need to use other water treatments and conditioners. Using Aquarium-Life Liquid gives the average fish keeper professional results leaving their fish healthy and the tank crystal clear and free from all contamination. Aquarium-Life Liquid formula integrates diverse types of distinctive “Micro Water Sensors”. These sensors regulate automatically to all dissimilar water quality features. Micro Water Sensors are separated into two types, which are Contaminant Sensors and Deficiency Sensors. When Aquarium-Life Liquid is added to water these two sensors alter the water condition for all types of fish.

Q. Will the Contaminant and Deficiency sensors in Aquarium-Life Liquid eliminate all impurity from the water and replenish all necessary components that are lacking in the water?
A. YES. Aquarium-Life Liquid recognizes each impurity that the water contains. The Contaminant sensors counter act and provide excellent results for each aquarium. The sensors not only look for the full range of impurities in the water they also specifically establish the accurate stage of each one, this in turn eliminates all impurities that the water may contain.
Deficiency sensors in Aquarium-Life Liquid re-establish the natural stability in exhausted water. The Deficiency sensor adds minerals and trace elements to the water and regulates the levels accordingly to attain an accurate balance, which replenishes all components that the water may be deficient in.

Q. Is Aquarium-Life Liquid suitable for any kind of fish?
A. YES. There is a range of Aquarium-Life Liquid available for any type of fish. Different fish species require different environmental habitats therefore water conditions for each fish are different too. The Aquarium-Life Liquid formula is made specifically for each species and pre-adjusting the Micro-Water sensors in Aquarium-Life Liquid for different types of fish does this.

Q. Is it normal when Aquarium-Life Liquid is added to the aquarium the water goes cloudy?
A. YES. Many adjustments are necessary when Aquarium-Life Liquid is used in aquariums for the first time to create ideal conditions for the fish. As a result cloudiness is very normal and will usually clear overnight. The cloudiness is the Micro-Water sensors purifying the water, however this may take a little time. Contaminant and Deficiency sensors contained in Aquarium-Life Liquid will float about in the water until contamination is eliminated and the mineral and trace elements are regulated to replenish all deficiencies. The times for the cloudiness will eventually shorten with each use of Aquarium-Life Liquid.

Q. Why didn’t the cloudiness disappear overnight when Aquarium-Life Liquid was added to the aquarium water?
A. Because of the chemical residue in the water the contaminant sensors need more time to eliminate contamination. If chemicals have been used in the aquarium prior to using Aquarium-Life Liquid for the first time the sensors will stay about the water for 2-3 days and this may cause the water to stay cloudy for a longer period of time. If this is the scenario then after 2-3 days your water will come clear. Alternatively if the cloudiness is still present for more than 3 days it is probable that there is a problem with the filtration system it may be necessary to clean the filter material in the filter. If this does not then alleviate the cloudiness in the water then the filter media may need to be replaced.

Q. Is it OK to use Aquarium-Life Liquid at the same time as using fish medications?
A. It is recommended that fish medication is not used at the same time as Aquarium-Life Liquid. Medications and residue are treated as contamination and not found in natural water. The Contaminant sensors in Aquarium-Life Liquid eliminate the product from the water. On the other hand Aquarium-Life Liquid can also be used to remove medications from the water after use. In the incident of infected fish and aquarium, quarantine the fish for treatment and also change the filter media so bad bacteria does not keep breeding.